A stimulating conversation with “White Paper By” magazine
The Spanish culture and lifestyle magazine “White Paper By” invited us to share some thoughts with director Inigo de Amescua, covering the different areas of PAT.’s practice, from attention to context and the life cycle of architecture, to designing with the climate rather than against it, while bringing joy – rather than frugality – to […]
TDH at the Sino-Italian Heritage Day in Guangzhou
To strengthen the heritage conservation and renovation in Great Bay Area, the School of Architecture at South China University of Technology (SCUT), together with the Depatment of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino, has organized the Sino-Italian Heritage Day at the Cantonese Opera Art Museum in Guangzhou) on Friday, December 6, 2024, inviting guests […]
PAT renovated the Modern Art Gallery in Turin, by subtraction
With over 50,000 visits in the first month since its reopening, Turin’s Gallery of Modern Art (GAM) has celebrated the beginning of its new life. PAT. has curated the Lotto Zero intervention, spatially embodying such new beginning: working by subtraction, trying to free the original building from the additions that had accumulated over the years […]
Old town, new chances: PAT at Utopian Hours 2024
Utopian Hours, the international city making festival, is back in Turin for its 2024 edition from October 18. PAT. Is joining the “Old town, New chances” working table – taking place at Dorado Hub, a space for creation born of a reclaimed manufacturing surface – debating urban regeneration as an opportunity for a new cultural […]
A design company is born: TDH is now incorporated in China
Translating the unique results of practice innovation into urban innovation, into visibly innovative projects resulting from a unique approach: this is the mission of Turin Design Hub, a globally-operating cluster of Italian professionals co-founded by PAT. partners Andrea Veglia and Jacopo Testa with Giovanni and Emanuele Cavaglion, Francesco Vaj, Nicolò and Filippo Corbellaro and the […]
New interior completed at the heart of historic Turin
Curtain rises on the new Ottica Gallery store: with the renovation of the Galleria Subalpina in Turin, an icon of the city’s social life since 1874, an opticians’ shop has found a new space in the premises of a historic bookshop. PAT., has teamed up again with the Gallery team to design the new space […]
La casa nel bosco: la natura abitata, in 15 architetture contemporanee
Tra Messico e Vietnam, capanne e ville, sottobosco e chiome, Snohetta e Iaac, 15 progetti raccontano il legame col regno degli alberi. >> Read the story on Domus.
TDH to design public space in Pantang, Guangzhou
Dragon boats are long rowing boats from the Chinese tradition, playing a very important role in the history of Pantang, an area of Canton with a rich social and cultural fabric: every year a dragon boat race returns as a cohesive ritual. Turin Design Hub started by listening to such collective history to propose an […]
high-tech meets low-tech: The Bricolla case study is now out on Springer
High-Tech meets Low-Tech, the study on the design process of Bricolla House as a research experiment on decarbonization in building practices presented by Francesca Thiébat and Andrea Veglia at the UIA World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen is now published in Design for Rethinking Resources, the conference proceedings. Released by Springer, the publication is edited […]
TDH goes to China
PAT. founders Andrea Veglia and Jacopo Testa have joined Turin Design Hub, and the first exchanges with our onsite design partners are taking place. Urban transformation, education buildings, and valorisation of an evolving industrial heritage are our key interests in this journey.