Red pepper project
Andrea Veglia e Studioata, “Red pepper project”. Label 2, summer 2001
Bright teeth tech. Toothbrush design
Andrea Veglia e Daniele Druella, “Bright teeth tech. Toothbrush design”. Label 1, spring 2001
The house that Rudy built. Schindler House
Andrea Veglia, “The house that Rudy built. Schindler House”. Label 1, spring 2001
We love you sugar cane. Hawaiian plantations
Andrea Veglia, “We love you sugar cane. Hawaiian plantations”. Label 1, spring 2001
Los Angeles
“This is a big town now, Eddie” Philip Marlowe The hostess was a blond woman I would have gladly shown a good time. Her name was Jodie. She smiled at me every time /met her, although I reckon she was like that with everyone. The kitchen was long and narrow, with windows overlooking the garden. […]
3 Californian architects
Andrea Veglia, “3 Californian architects”. Label #6, maggio 2000
Chiara Tommasi
Andrea Veglia, “Chiara Tommasi”. Label #5, novembre 1999
Ataturk Villa. Seyfettin Nasih Arkan
Andrea Veglia, “Ataturk Villa. Seyfettin Nasih Arkan”. Label #5, novembre 1999
The Rainbow Family
Andrea Veglia, “The Rainbow Family”. Label #5, novembre 1999
Andrea Veglia, “Colore”. Label #5, novembre 1999