Italian Unification | Sardinia Villas
PAT. designs the Feltrinelli cluster at Salone del Libro
Salone Internazionale del Libro starts in Turin, and we partnered with P&P Italia to house the Feltrinelli editorial cluster. The clearest, most flexible generative grid is creating a free space for all depths of thinking and exchange. Come cross the red portals and let yourself roam the world of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Apogeo Editore, […]
The Meiguan Corridor competition
As part of Turin Design Hub, we ranked 4th at the international architecture and urban design competition for the Meiguan Innovative Industry Corridor, the core zone at the northeast segment of Jiulongshan Intelligent Technology City, one of the 18 municipal-level key areas of Shenzhen. Focusing on blending functions, densities, vocations and typologies, our project aims […]
2 Projects for UIA
Ares Housing modules, UIA infopoint
Visioni da Torino Stratosferica
Visioni di Torino Stratosferica E se la città permettesse al cittadino di riappropriarsi di terreni pubblici abbandonati e di trasformarli in esperimenti di nuove forme di sviluppo e di vita cittadina? In occasione dell’apertura di Utopian Hours 2021, PAT. rilancia la propria Vision per Torino Stratosferica come una proposta fattibile e realistica per affrontare il […]
PAT.+Fagnola, Costa Smeralda Villas
The SOURCE, Costa Smeralda Villas
Fagnola+PAT. Costa Smeralda Villas on The SOURCE.(China) >Read here
Villas in Sardinia featured in Entremuros (Mexico).
Villas in Sardinia
Interiors in the Instagram era | Sardinia Villas