A design company is born: TDH is now incorporated in China

Translating the unique results of practice innovation into urban innovation, into visibly innovative projects resulting from a unique approach: this is the mission of Turin Design Hub, a globally-operating cluster of Italian professionals co-founded by PAT. partners Andrea Veglia and Jacopo Testa with Giovanni and Emanuele Cavaglion, Francesco Vaj, Nicolò and Filippo Corbellaro and the founding partners of 2MIX studio.

The specific know-how of TDH, was born from a constant exchange between its members and their main interlocutor, the context of an increasingly evolving China, through relations with universities, administrations and local communities, in a position of listening and searching for the intersection between knowledge related to practice in the two countries.

On September 14, Turin Design Hub has been incorporated in China as a design company.